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“On the first day of the week we came together to break bread.” Acts 20.7


Sunday at FCC is the day we gather together as a Church family to break bread, both spiritually and physically.  Below you will find more information pertaining to what Sunday’s look like at FCC. 

Sunday Schedule 

9:50 AM- Sunday School for All Ages

10:15 AM- Coffee and Fellowship

10:50 AM- Worship

6:00 PM- Youth and Families (bi-weekly)



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Questions You May Have

What is the Service like?

We believe that the worship of the Lord is to be held in the highest honor. During each worship service we sing songs of praise, share in the Word of God, hear a relevant and Biblical message, and partake of communion weekly.


What do I wear?

On Sunday mornings, you will find all ages wearing everything from suits and boots, to jeans and flip-flops. 


What about Children?

We believe that Children are a gift from God, and we love to hear their giggles during the worship service.  We also have a staffed nursery available for infants and toddlers.


How do I become a Member?

Becoming a member at FCC is a painless process.  As part of the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement we believe that Church membership shouldn't be based on tests or knowledge of creeds but rather on the simple and public confession, "That Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and our one Lord and Savior." If you affirm this, you are welcome to become a member of FCC Paris. 


What about Baptism?

FCC Paris practices Baptism by immersion. However we recognize and honor all forms of Holy Baptism. 


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